Revenue Hits? How you can earn money from Revenue Hits

Hello Guys, Today's topic is about Revenue hits which is the most important topic for all of you. Because I have bought a best alternate of google adsense with the help of this Revenue hits you can earn a lot of money , So lets get started 

So In this brand new article of Earn Online Money I will introduce a new Ad Network  about which our new blogger had never hered. But many of you bloggers are that bloggers which are banned by the google adsense or you have not got the approval of google adsense, because I think  you have not followed the terms and conditions of the google adsense or because of your content you didn’t got the google adsense approval. So guys don’t get worried  because we have bought a new Ad Network  for you which can also be a good alternative of google adsense. Which is Revenue hits with this Advertisement Network you can earn more money as compared to google adsense without any approval or requirement except a blogger or website. So without wasting any time guys let’s move to the main topic of the article which is what is Revenue hits?  and how you can earn money from Revenue hits.
Revenue Hits? How you can earn money from Revenue Hits, revenuehits,
Revenue Hits? How you can earn money from Revenue Hits

Revenue Hits?

Basically the name of this Ad Network is Revenue hits and it’s a kind of Ad Network were you can earn alots of money. On this Ad Network there is no need to take the approval  from anywhere , only thing you have to do is you have to join this Revenue Hits  Ad Network  and from there you have to generate the Ad Units ID and you have to place that Ad Unit on your blog or website. After placing the Ad Units  instantly you can able to see the Ads on your blog or website and instantly your earnings will get started. Now talking about the Payout so the minimum of revenue hits is $20 and you can get the payout with Paypal. 

How Revenue Hits Work’s 

Revenue hits is a pure CPA (Cost per Action) working Platform. In this the main thing matters is that how many clicks/impressions came on your website and blogger, it can be 1 lakh clicks or 1 lakh impressions , because this Revenue Hits Ad network doesn’t works on the CPC/CPM Method. In this money which we are getting that is getting from the action of visitors on our website or blogger. Which means when the visitor will visit your website and click on your Ad and the Particular software which will be shown in the Ad visitor should have to install. Do’t Worry all the software which are inside the Ads are 100% safe and Genuine.

Revenue Hits is For

Revenue Hits is for those bloggers who all are not getting the adsense approval or there adsense account has been rejected or got banned. And the blogger who had only created their blog for only earning money for them Revenue hits is the best platform for earning good amount of money. In a very secure and safe way withou any type of fraud. This type of bloggers can eassily trust this Ad Network which is Revenue Hits and you can join this Ad Network if you are suffering from one of these problem.   

How to Signup for Revenue Hits 

For the very first time you have to visit the website of Revenue Hits by clicking the link below then you have to click on the start now button. 

RevenueHits website - Click Here
Revenue Hits How you can earn money from Revenue Hits
Revenue Hits How you can earn money from Revenue Hits

After clicking on the start now button, a publisher sign up  popup window will come then you have to fill the all mandatory details in the box. And you have to click on the signup button.
Revenue Hits? How you can earn money from Revenue Hits
Revenue Hits? How you can earn money from Revenue Hits

Then another window will appear in front of you saying that thank you for joining Revenue hits, and on this you have to press the login to your account.
Revenue Hits? How you can earn money from Revenue Hits
Revenue Hits? How you can earn money from Revenue Hits

Then you have to go to your email by which you have registered Revenue Hits and then you have to activate your account by clicking on the Activate my account.
Revenue Hits? How you can earn money from Revenue Hits
Revenue Hits? How you can earn money from Revenue Hits

After clicking on the Activate my account button in email another window will open for the publisher sign in, there you will also get a message about Registration confirmation. In that Publisher sign in you have to enter your register email address and password. And sign in into the account.
Revenue Hits? How you can earn money from Revenue Hits
Revenue Hits? How you can earn money from Revenue Hits

Now you are finally Registered with the Revenue Hits.

How to generate Ad Codes in Revenue Hits

After Sign in first you have to click on the placements in the dashboard window.
Revenue Hits? How you can earn money from Revenue Hits
Revenue Hits? How you can earn money from Revenue Hits

Then you will be directed into the placements window in the window you have to click on the New Placements.
Revenue Hits? How you can earn money from Revenue Hits
Revenue Hits? How you can earn money from Revenue Hits

Then a popup window will appear with select placement type menu there you have to select any Ad type for your blogger or website, in this I m choosing banner type for my blog.
Revenue Hits? How you can earn money from Revenue Hits
Revenue Hits? How you can earn money from Revenue Hits

After that you have to give the basic information about the placement like placement name, size, and description. In placement name you can give any name like I have given banner 1, size of the placement I will select Banner Ad (300x50) as my placement type is banner, and in the description I will write the banner 1. That’s it After that you have click on the save button.
Revenue Hits? How you can earn money from Revenue Hits
Revenue Hits? How you can earn money from Revenue Hits

Now  you will be directed into another window of my placements, there you will get your generated Ads. For copying the Ad codes you have to click on the get codes icon and you can also see the preview of the ad which you have generated.
Revenue Hits? How you can earn money from Revenue Hits
Revenue Hits? How you can earn money from Revenue Hits

After clicking on Get codes a popup window will open from there you have to copy the codes by clicking on the copy to clipboard. And then place the Ad on the your blogger or website and start earning money.
Revenue Hits? How you can earn money from Revenue Hits
Revenue Hits? How you can earn money from Revenue Hits

Types of Placements in Revenue Hits

  • Banners
  • Popunders
  • Slider
  • Shadow Box
  • Top Banner
  • 158x21 Button
  • Footer
  • Interstitial

Revenue Hits Payment Gateways 

  • Paypal
  • Payoneer
  • Wiretransfer

From these 3 you can choose any of the payment gateway according to your convenient. But if you select for only paypal payment method this will be the best option for you , because the minimum payout for the paypal is $20. And you will instantly get the $20 and can be also withdraw. So personally I will suggest to go for the paypal payment method to get the earning eassily and conveniently at the very minimum payout. In this way you can have you payouts very eassily and safely.

So Guys this are the information about that what is Revenue Hits and how you can earn money by  Revenue Hits in the step by step manner if you like the article please visit our website again for more interesting  articles. And Please also comment down your view about our Article.  ThankYou

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